
Welcome, Ariana Cohen, LM, CPM, new Birthstream Midwife!


Warmest greetings to the Birthstream Community! 

My name is Ariana Cohen and I am so excited to be joining the team of Licensed Midwives at Birthstream. 

Midwifery is a calling, an art and a science all rolled into one. It has been my passion and my life's work since I attended my first birth in 2009. Over the next three years I became a Doula, Childbirth Educator and prenatal massage therapist while completing my education in Social and Behavioral Sciences. 

In 2012 I enrolled in midwifery school and was granted an apprenticeship. After eighteen months of homebirth experience and six months of intensive training in a high-volume birth center, I had completed all of the hands-on requirements for licensure. However, I decided to continue my education with an advanced apprenticeship that focused on skills in vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), twins, breech birth and other special circumstances. During that time I had the opportunity to assist not only in extraordinary births, but also in teaching classes on suturing, fetal monitoring, charting, and much more. This allowed me to gain knowledge, experience and hands-on skills that greatly enriched my education and career.  

In 2015 I graduated from the National Midwifery Institute, passed the national exam and was granted my California License. Since then I've had a steady home birth practice in Nevada County. 

Now I'm thrilled to be living here in Natomas with my wonderful partner and our two big goofy dogs. I look forward to meeting you all in person and being a part of your midwifery care team!