
Welcome, Ava McDonald our Spring Semester Student Intern!

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Birthstream is welcoming Ava McDonald to intern with us this semester. We have never offered this opportunity to anyone before, but Ava is a unique applicant….we know her family well! She has already witnessed home and hospital births. We hope to offer her the opportunity to observe some prenatal and postpartum care as well as the behind the scenes midwifery work…and maybe a birth or two!

“My name is Ava MacDonald and I am a junior at Da Vinci Charter Academy in Davis and a part of the Da Vinci internship program. My two youngest siblings were born at home with the help of Birthstream Midwives, and now I have the ability to be a part of that. I am very excited to learn more about the Midwifery Model of care and to be able to experience it first hand. I hope that this internship will lead to clarity on my future plans as well as getting to see lots of cute babies!”

Please join us in welcoming her to Birthstream! We know that she will be ready for this adventure!

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