
Midwife Musings: Birthstream 2016 Year in Review!

Birthstream families (and midwives) were busy in 2016 growing their families!  As the year came to a close we reflected on all the births we attended and all the new feet we met!  Let's look back on our year...the firsts, the lasts and all the in-betweens.


There were 59 Birthstream Babies:  Girls 30, Boys 29

First babies: 15

Sixth, seventh, eighth...or 10th baby: 7

Second generation home birther:  9  with 3 of those families having both parents born at home!

Smallest baby was 6 lbs 13 oz and the biggest baby was 10 lbs 3 oz!

  • 6 lbs+ 6 babies

  • 7 lbs+ 19 babies

  • 8 lbs+ 20 babies

  • 9 lbs+ 12 babies

  • 10 lbs+ 2 babies

  • with 25% of all babies over 4000 grams (8 lbs 14 oz)!

Vaginal birth after cesarean:  1

Cesarean:  1  = rate of 1.6%

Baby born vaginally when both parents born by c-sec:  1

Breech births:  2, both vaginal and precipitous (very fast)...1 at home, 1 at hospital

Thank you all for sharing your year with us!  We are grateful to be part of those moments as you welcomed new little people into your home.

We look forward to a New Year with Joy and Gratitude...and more babies!
