Information Night

Filtering by: Information Night

6:00 PM18:00

Meet the Midwives via Zoom


Just because we can’t meet in person doesn’t mean you can’t Meet the Birthstream Midwives!

Come join us for an evening to learn about midwifery care, home birth, Well Woman Exams (Paps) and Birthstream's Postpartum Care Services for families planning hospital births.

We will be discussing what midwifery care looks like (and feels like).  Learn about respectful pre- and postnatal care, gentle newborn care, delayed cord clamping, what you can do with your placenta after birth, and more! Bring your friends and family and ask your questions!

Please email us via our contact form and we will send you the Zoom link!

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6:30 PM18:30

Meet the Midwives at The Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op

  • Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
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Come join Lesley Nelson, LM, CPM and Ariana Cohen, LM, CPM and for an evening to learn about midwifery care, home birth, Well Woman Exams (Paps) and Birthstream's Postpartum Care Services for families planning hospital births.

We will be discussing what midwifery care looks like (and feels like).  Learn about respectful pre- and postnatal care, gentle newborn care, delayed cord clamping, what you can do with your placenta after birth, and more! Bring your friends and family and ask your questions!

This is a FREE informative session, but registration is appreciated!

Hosted by The Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op

Hosted by The Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op

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7:00 PM19:00

Meet the Midwives at The Root

  • The Root: Birth, Babies, Beyond (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
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Come join Rachel Fox-Tierney, LM, CPM and Ariana Cohen, LM, CPM for an evening to learn about midwifery care, home birth, Well Woman Exams (Paps) and Birthstream's Postpartum Care Services for families planning hospital births.

We will be discussing what midwifery care looks like (and feels like).  Learn about respectful pre- and postnatal care, gentle newborn care, delayed cord clamping, what you can do with your placenta after birth, and more! Bring your friends and family and ask your questions!

This is a FREE informative session

Hosted by The Root: Birth, Babies, Beyond

Hosted by The Root: Birth, Babies, Beyond

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7:30 PM19:30

Meet the Midwives at Ebb and Flow Yoga

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Come join Rachel Fox-Tierney, LM, CPM and Lesley Nelson, LM, CPM for an evening to learn about midwifery care, home birth, Well Woman Exams (Paps) and Birthstream's Postpartum Care Services for families planning hospital births.

We will be discussing what midwifery care looks like (and feels like).  Learn about respectful pre- and postnatal care, gentle newborn care, delayed cord clamping, what you can do with your placenta after birth, and more! Bring your friends and family and ask your questions!

This is a FREE informative session

Hosted by Ebb and Flow Yoga

Hosted by Ebb and Flow Yoga

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7:00 PM19:00

Meet the Midwives at Journey Coffee

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Come join Birthstream Midwives for an evening to learn about holistic midwifery care! Bring your friends and ask your questions.

Did you know that midwives offer Well Woman Exams with Pap tests? Offer hour-long prenatal visits throughout pregnancy? Provide birth tubs for all their clients? Provide 4-6 postpartum visits in the comfort and convenience of your own home? Are available 24/7 throughout pregnancy and for six weeks postpartum? Have you heard of our Postpartum Care packages for families birthing in the hospital?

We will have a lactation cookie tasting by Little Sweet Pea Milk and Cookies and a complimentary cup of coffee or tea for all attendees!

Registration is free and appreciated, but Walk ins always welcome!

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6:00 PM18:00

Meet the Midwives at Herself Moms


Curious about home birth?

Looking for respectful, holistic prenatal care?

Planning a hospital birth, but wish you could experience postpartum/newborn care in your own home?

Come join Rachel Fox-Tierney, LM, CPM, Rachel Kiene and Lesley Nelson, LM, CPM for an evening to learn about midwifery care, home birth, Well Woman Exams (Paps) and our new Postpartum Care Services for families planning hospital births, but want the comprehensive in-home postpartum care that European and home birth families have enjoyed for years.  Bring your friends and family and ask your questions.

Free Event, For more information please contact us or Herself Moms

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10:30 AM10:30

Meet the Midwives at Mother and Baby Source





Come join Rachel Fox-Tierney, LM, CPM and Lesley Nelson, LM, CPM for an evening to learn about midwifery care, home birth, Well Woman Exams (Paps) and our new Postpartum Care Services for families planning hospital births, but want the comprehensive in-home postpartum care that European and home birth families have enjoyed for years.  Bring your friends and family and ask your questions.

Free Event, For more information please contact us

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6:00 PM18:00

Meet the Midwives at The Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op Community Resource Center

  • The Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op Community Learning Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Curious about home birth?

Looking for respectful, holistic prenatal care?

Planning a hospital birth, but wish you could experience postpartum/newborn care in your own home?

Come join Rachel Fox-Tierney, LM, CPM, Rachel Kiene and Lesley Nelson, LM, CPM for an evening to learn about midwifery care, home birth, Well Woman Exams (Paps) and our new Postpartum Care Services for families planning hospital births, but want the comprehensive in-home postpartum care that European and home birth families have enjoyed for years.  Bring your friends and family and ask your questions.

Free Event, For more information please contact us via email or call Rachel Kiene 916-548-0672

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7:30 PM19:30

Meet the Midwives at Ebb and Flow Yoga

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Come join Rachel Fox-Tierney, LM, CPM and Lesley Nelson, LM, CPM, for an evening to learn about midwifery care, home birth, Well Woman Exams (Paps) and Birthstream's new Postpartum Care Services for families planning hospital births.

Knowledge is power.  We will be discussing holistic techniques for a natural birth experience.  Learn about delayed cord clamping, vitamin k, what you can do with your placenta after birth and more! Bring your friends and family and ask your questions!

This is a FREE informative session

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7:30 PM19:30

Meet the Midwives at Ebb and Flow Yoga

IMG_0741 (1).jpg

Come join Rachel Fox-Tierney, LM, CPM (and maybe Lesley Nelson, LM, CPM, too) for an evening to learn about midwifery care, home birth, Well Woman Exams (Paps) and Birthstream's new Postpartum Care Services for families planning hospital births.

Knowledge is power.  We will be discussing holistic techniques for a natural birth experience.  Learn about delayed cord clamping, vitamin k, what you can do with your placenta after birth and more! Bring your friends and family and ask your questions!

This is a FREE informative session

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4:45 PM16:45

Meet the Midwives at Ebb and Flow Yoga


Join us for a free information session on home and hospital birth! Knowledge is power.  We will be discussing holistic techniques for a natural birth experience.  Learn about delayed cord clamping, oral vitamin k, what you can do with your placenta after birth and more!  Birthstream offers pre-natal care, home birth and postnatal care.  Whether your little one is born at home, or in the hospital, choose what YOU want for your birth experience.


RACHEL FOX-TIERNEY, LM, CPM is a California Licensed Midwife and Certified Professional Midwife since 2005. Rachel started her apprenticeship with Birthstream midwives in 2000.  Rachel’s two sons were both born at home.  The first in 1997 in Connecticut and the second in 2001 in California with Birthstream.Rachel’s personal and professional experience have offered her opportunities to honor the journey each woman and their family take to bring this little person into their family and into the world. Each of us gives birth in our own way because of what we need and who our babies are. It is our responsibility as midwives to support birthing women physically and emotionally, not to manage her experience. Babies are active participants in the labor dance and often their birth reflects their personality more than the birthing mama’s.

This is a FREE informative session.

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10:00 AM10:00

Midwifery and Home Birth Information Meeting

  • Davis Food Co-op Teaching Kitchen (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come join Rachel Fox-Tierney, LM, CPM (and maybe Lesley Nelson, LM, CPM, too) for an morning to learn about midwifery care, home birth, Well Woman Exams (Paps) and our new Postpartum Care Services for families planning hospital births, but want the comprehensive in-home postpartum care that European and home birth families have enjoyed for years.  Bring your friends and family and ask your questions.

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